
“Transforming with Nonviolent Communication”

In 2019, as I delved into a thought-provoking book on Nonviolent Communication (NVC), I was reminded of the profound importance of communication in our lives. It struck me that as human beings, we should be ever-mindful of our words and the manner in which we interact with others. This mindfulness is essential to prevent unintended harm.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) serves as a powerful tool for transformative communication. It equips individuals with the skills to communicate more effectively, promoting clarity in expression, empathetic listening, and peaceful conflict resolution. NVC emphasizes empathy and understanding, building trust by genuinely listening to feelings and needs.

Our communication extends beyond mere words; it encompasses our body language and the expressions we wear. Even the choice of words in our everyday discourse can have a tremendous impact. Words possess the incredible power to uplift and inspire, just as they can shatter and dishearten. This revelation taught me the value of harnessing the influence of positive communication.

NVC provides a structured approach to conflict resolution, steering away from aggression and blame. It fosters self-awareness, allowing individuals to recognize their own emotions and unmet needs, contributing to personal growth. By practicing NVC, individuals develop greater compassion, both for themselves and others, leading to more harmonious relationships and a more peaceful world. NVC is not limited to personal interactions; it is equally applicable in parenting and educational settings, enhancing communication with children and students, creating environments that support emotional growth and learning.

Positive words, in particular, hold remarkable power. They have the ability to light up someone’s day, offer encouragement, and foster a sense of belonging. The deliberate use of positivity in our conversations can transform relationships and create a more harmonious environment. By choosing our words with care and empathy, we can build bridges, offer support, and uplift those around us.

Therefore, striving for accurate and positive communication should be our ongoing mission. We must remember that our words, our tone, and our actions all shape the way others perceive us and the world around them. When someone shares their thoughts with us, it’s vital to be fully present – mentally, physically, and emotionally. In doing so, we not only acknowledge their importance, but we also open the door to deeper, more meaningful connections.

In essence, let us recognize the extraordinary power of our words and actions, and let Nonviolent Communication (NVC) be our guiding light in achieving positive transformation. By practicing NVC and choosing positivity in our interactions, we can create a world filled with understanding, compassion, and genuine connection, contributing to a more peaceful and connected global community.



After graduating from the Institute for Leadership Development ( ILD) in 2010, I had the privilege of participating in student evaluation sessions in 2011, 2012, and 2013. It was during one of these sessions in 2012 that I was introduced to the StrengthsFinder assessment, which had been integrated into the curriculum that year. Intrigued by the concept, I embarked on a quest to discover more about this assessment, leading me to the book “StrengthsFinder 2.0.”

Taking the Strengths assessment proved to be a pivotal moment in my personal and professional journey. Despite having graduated in 2010, the impact of this assessment was profound. It unveiled my top five strengths:

  • Empathy
  • Communication
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Relationship Building
  • Responsibility

These revelations were transformative, serving as a guiding compass through life’s intricacies. “StrengthsFinder” not only imparted wisdom but also reshaped my life strategy. It offered clarity on my innate talents and how to harness them for personal and professional growth. It’s remarkable how a single book and assessment can illuminate the path to self-discovery and success.

StrengthsFinder stands as one of the most enlightening books I’ve ever encountered. It empowers individuals by revealing their top five strengths out of 34 themes. This book champions a strengths-focused approach to personal development, emphasizing key principles:

  • Identifying Unique Talents: The assessment helps individuals pinpoint their innate abilities.
  • Nurturing Strengths for Success: It provides strategies for developing and leveraging strengths in both personal and professional spheres.
  • Enhancing Relationships Through Strengths: Understanding one’s strengths can lead to improved interactions with others.
  • Fostering Strengths-Based Teamwork: The book guides individuals on how to build effective teams by recognizing and utilizing the strengths of each team member.
  • Embracing Diversity of Strengths: It encourages appreciation for the diversity of strengths in oneself and others, fostering inclusivity and collaboration.

Aligning with Positive Psychology Principles: StrengthsFinder” aligns with the principles of positive psychology, emphasizing the power of focusing on people’s strengths rather than their weaknesses.

StrengthsFinder offers a fresh perspective on personal and professional growth by emphasizing strengths rather than weaknesses. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of their innate talents and how to apply them for success in various aspects of life. It’s a valuable resource that can genuinely transform your approach to self-discovery and achievement.



“Atomic Habits”

Habits are an integral part of human life, shaping our routines and ultimately influencing our happiness, health, and organization. Over the past few years, I’ve made repeated attempts to change my habits, aiming for consistency and integrity in my actions. However, I often found myself struggling to maintain these habits, and as a result, my overall well-being and organization suffered.

Around six months ago, a close friend recommended that I read “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. Little did I know that this book would be a game-changer in my journey towards mastering habits.

As I delved into the pages of “Atomic Habits,” I was enlightened about the precise mechanics of habit formation. The book provided me with a clear roadmap for cultivating and sustaining habits effectively. James Clear’s insights and practical strategies offered a transformative perspective on how to initiate and maintain habits.

I realized that the key to success lay in making small, manageable changes, rather than attempting drastic overhauls. “Atomic Habits” emphasized the power of these incremental shifts, which, when compounded over time, can lead to remarkable personal growth.

One of the book’s pivotal concepts that resonated deeply with me was the idea of identity-based habits. Instead of merely focusing on the habit itself, I learned to shift my self-identity to become the type of person who naturally gravitated towards the desired behaviors. This shift in perspective served as a powerful motivator for me.

Furthermore, “Atomic Habits” illuminated the significance of creating a habit-friendly environment. Making cues for desired habits more obvious and reducing obstacles proved to be instrumental in building consistency.

The book introduced me to practical techniques such as habit stacking and the two-minute rule, both of which made it easier to incorporate new habits into my daily routine. Tracking my progress and being accountable to myself became integral parts of my journey.

Reading “Atomic Habits” was not just an intellectual exercise; it was a profound shift in my approach to self-improvement. It enabled me to understand that slow progress is still progress and that habits aren’t just about what we do, but who we become.

Thanks to the wisdom I gained from “Atomic Habits,” I’ve not only become more consistent in my habits but also a happier, healthier, and more organized individual. This book has been a catalyst for positive change, and I now view habits as the cornerstone of personal and professional success.


“Dare to Lead”

It has been almost 12 years since I worked in leadership and managerial positions in Afghanistan. During this time, I have always been enthusiastic about learning new leadership skills to improve my abilities. In 2022, I read “Dare to Lead” multiple times, and it truly touched my heart.

“Dare to Lead,” written by renowned researcher and storyteller Brené Brown, delves into the concepts of vulnerability, courage, and leadership. Published in 2018, the book emphasizes the importance of embracing vulnerability and courage to become an effective leader.

The central idea of the book revolves around the belief that true leadership requires authenticity, trust, and taking calculated risks. Brown challenges traditional notions of leadership dominated by power and control, advocating for a more empathetic and genuine approach to leading others.

The book stresses that daring leadership is not about having all the answers or being invulnerable; it’s about acknowledging vulnerabilities, engaging in difficult conversations, and daring to pursue meaningful goals. Building strong connections and fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued are also essential aspects of daring leadership.

Throughout the book, Brené Brown shares research findings, personal stories, and practical examples to illustrate the principles of daring leadership. She provides actionable strategies and tools to help leaders cultivate courage, innovation, and growth within their organizations.

I highly recommend “Dare to Lead” to anyone aspiring to become a more compassionate and impactful leader. The book offers valuable insights and actionable advice for creating a work culture based on trust, belonging, and growth. It has personally challenged my leadership beliefs and transformed the way I approach leadership in Afghanistan and beyond.

Leaders should consider the following touch points from “Dare to Lead” in their organizations:

  1. Embrace vulnerability and courage.
  2. Prioritize empathy and connection.
  3. Establish clear values and expectations.
  4. Have difficult conversations with compassion.
  5. Encourage open and respectful discussions (rumbling).
  6. Empower and develop team members.
  7. Set boundaries and hold accountable.
  8. Foster a culture of feedback and growth.
  9. Recognize and celebrate success.
  10. Cultivate a learning culture.

“Think Again”

Three months ago, I had the opportunity to read the book “Think Again: Challenging Assumptions and Expanding Perspectives.” It was an insightful and thought-provoking literary work that profoundly impacted me. The book encouraged me to embrace challenges, question my assumptions, and open my mind to new perspectives. It ignited the power of critical thinking within me and allowed for intellectual growth and personal development.

One of the key aspects of the book was the provision of valuable tools and strategies for effective critical thinking. It taught me techniques to identify cognitive biases, evaluate evidence objectively, and engage in respectful and constructive dialogue. These skills enabled me to navigate challenging conversations, challenge long-held beliefs, and develop a more flexible and nuanced perspective.

In just a few pages, the book took me on a transformative journey of self-discovery, critical thinking, and intellectual exploration. It prompted me to challenge my assumptions, expand my perspectives, and unlock the potential of my own mind.

Among the many impactful themes in the book, five in particular resonated with me and have positively influenced my career and personal life:

  1. Embracing Growth Mindset: The book emphasized the importance of adopting a growth mindset, encouraging me to see challenges as opportunities for learning and growth. This mindset has propelled me forward in my career, enabling me to take on new challenges with confidence.
  2. Enhancing Critical Thinking: The book equipped me with valuable critical thinking skills, empowering me to analyze situations, evaluate information critically, and make informed decisions. These skills have been invaluable in my professional endeavors, allowing me to navigate complex problems and find innovative solutions.
  3. Building Resilience: The book emphasized the significance of resilience in overcoming obstacles. It taught me to embrace setbacks as learning experiences and develop the ability to bounce back stronger. This resilience has been instrumental in navigating the ups and downs of my personal and professional life.
  4. Effective Communication: The book stressed the importance of effective communication, teaching me to actively listen, express myself clearly, and engage in meaningful dialogue. These communication skills have enhanced my relationships, facilitated collaboration, and advanced my career.
  5. Embracing Change and Open-Mindedness: The book encouraged me to embrace change, be open to new ideas, and challenge my own beliefs. This openness has broadened my perspectives, fostered creativity, and allowed me to adapt in an ever-changing world.

Overall, “Think Again” has had a profound impact on my career and personal life. It has empowered me to approach challenges with a growth mindset, sharpen my critical thinking skills, build resilience, communicate effectively, and embrace change. I am grateful for the wisdom and insights gained from this remarkable book.